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Crithote Walker

Type species: horridipes Walker, Borneo.

Crusiseta Schultze (type species basipuncta Schultze, Philippines = pannicula Swinhoe).

There is strong sexual dimorphism throughout this genus, males having long, narrowly bipectinate antennae, elongate hindlegs densely invested with black scales, and forewings more or less a uniform black except for paler areas basally that may extend along the costa and vague ripple-marks more distally. Females have more variegated forewings with facies that resemble somewhat that of the genus
Tephriopis, with paler grey basal, costal and medial areas dividing the black into a broad marginal area and an irregular patch antemedially that is based on the dorsum.

The male abdomen has a slight corema in the eighth sternite but is otherwise not strongly modified. The uncus is simple, apically hooked, but may have a dorsal triangular crest. There is no scaphium. The juxta appears to be a simple plate, ovate to rectangular, rugose or spined in the anellar region, but probably not typically ‘catocaline’ as discussed on p. 18. The valve is simple, narrow, with a distinct costa that has a central angle or spur. The aedeagus vesica is broader than long, slightly convolute, and bears one to three clusters of moderate spines.

In the female (
horridipes), the bursa is pyriform and divided into three sections; a basal, sclerotised, scobinate one; a central zone of small, fine spicules; an immaculate distal third.

Bell (MS) reared the larva of an undescribed S. Indian species that appears closely related to pallivaga sp. n. but with, in the male genitalia (slide 18529), slightly shorter valves and uncus, and with the three groups of spines in the aedeagus vesica dissimilar (one group robust, one group reduced relative to the third which is as in pallivaga). Bell noted a similarity to the larva of Plecoptera recta Pagenstecher. The prolegs of A3 are absent, those of A4 are reduced to small cylinders. The head and body are green, tinted yellowish or greyish by small subcutaneous dots, with a subspiracular yellow band.

The egg is light green, disc-like, slightly domed, with a thickened rim and many vertical ridges. Eggs are laid singly on the underside of leaflets, where the larva also lives, often resting highly looped or occasionally in a figure eight. Pupation is in a cell of leaves on the host plant, and the larva turns red-pink before pupating. The pupa has no bloom.

The host plant is
Dalbergia (Leguminosae); see also Robinson et al. (2001).

In general features of facies and particularly the male genitalia, such as the valve costa and crest to the uncus, the genus shows affinities to
Anoba and is therefore included in the Anobini. The larval feeding record for Leguminosae is also consistent with this.

In addition to the species discussed below, the genus includes C. prominens Leech (China) and C. crinipes Snellen stat. rev. (Sulawesi). C. crinipes has been regarded as a synonym of horridipes, but the holotype male (RMNH) Leiden) has genitalia that match the Sula Is. male noted below under C. pannicula Swinhoe.

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