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Savoca scotioides Prout comb. n
Gyrtona scotioides
Prout, 1926, Entomologist 59: 69.

Savoca scotioides

Savoca scotioides

This species is somewhat variable and sexually dimorphic, the males being darker than the females, and some of the smaller females being liable to confusion with grey Gyrtona species as they are pale with reduced dark fasciation and an enhanced diffuse pale streak bisecting the forewing apex. But there is a curved dark subbasal fascia typical of Savoca; the post-medial is somewhat oblique relative to that of other Bornean species and distinctively darkened at one third and two thirds.

The male genitalia indicate that this is a true Savoca: the species is distinguished by the angling or strong curvature of the dorsal arm of the valve, the lateral coremata on the 7th abdominal segment, and the presence of a subbasal process on the dorsal arm of the valve as in conglobalis but without a flange on the aedeagus.

Geographical range. Sundaland, Philippines, Sulawesi, Ceram, New Guinea.

Taxonomic note. The holotype male from Ceram has an uncus broadened abruptly at the middle, ventrally, this extending evenly to the apex; subbasal processes from the valve costa are much more prominent than in Bornean and Sulawesi males.

Habitat preference. Three specimens have been taken in tall montane forest at Mesilau (1500m) on G. Kinabalu. During the Mulu survey a singleton was taken in upper montane forest at 1780m on G. Mulu.

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