Atacira approximata Walker
comb. rev.
approximata Walker,
[1863] 1864, J. Linn. Soc. Lond., Zool.7: 65.
dulcilinea Walker,
[1863] 1864, Ibid 7: 66.
approximata Walker;
Swinhoe, 1990, Cat. E. & Aust. Lepid.Het. Colln Oxf Univ. Mus.
2: 87.
hupopalia Rothschild,
1920, J. fed. Malay States Mus. 8:117, syn. n.

Atacira approximata (Java)
Diagnosis. The ground colour of the forewings is purplish grey. The postmedial and
submarginal are thin, pale, irregular, edged with slightly darker ground colour;
the medial and antemedial are dark brown, diffuse, angled.
Geographical range. Sundaland.
Habitat preference. The type material of approximata and dulcilinea
was collected by Alfred Russel Wallace in Sarawak; no more recent material
from Borneo has been located.
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