penanorum sp. n.

10-11mm, 11mm.
The male antennae are nodular much as in the type species. The forewings are a
medium, rather rufous brown, without a pale submarginal. When it occurs, the
white reniform has the posterior lobe very much larger than the anterior one and
is more extensive distad from the axis of the two lobes. In the male abdomen
sternite 8 is sclerotised externally as well as anteriorly, and has lateral
rods. The uncus is unmodified though apically spatulate. The sclerites lateral
to the juxta are triangular. The valve is roughly rectangular, apically setose,
only slightly corematous, with a simple rod-like harpe.
SARAWAK: Gunong Mulu Nat. Park, RGS Exped. 1977-8 (J.D. Holloway et al.) BM
1978-206, Site 8, February, Camp 1, Mulu, 150m, 385470, mixed dipt. for. BM
noctuid slide 10500.
as holotype, slide 10507; 2
general data but Site 16, March, Long Pala (Base) 70m, 324450, alluv. &
second, for. MV on batu, BM noctuid slide 10508. 3 , 2 from Brunei are excluded from the type series as they have not been dissected.
range. Borneo.
preference. The
species has only been taken at low altitudes, from swamp, alluvial and hill
dipterocarp forest types.
The species is
dedicated to the Penan people and their forests.
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