minoroides sp.

13-15mm. This species resembles the Sri Lankan M. leprosticta Hampson
and the Malaysian and Sumatran M. minor Holloway, but it lacks the small
white fleck between the central and apical leprous patches of the second
species. It is like a small M. major and is perhaps best distinguished by
characters of the male abdomen: the elliptical patches occur on tergites 4-7 and
grade from large to small towards the posterior; the uncus is short, apically
slightly squared but otherwise broadly elliptical; the harpe has two slender
processes, the posterior one much shorter and smaller than the anterior
one. In males from Singapore (slide 10369) and Java (slides 10347, 10372), the
tergal patches are weak, even in size, the uncus is longer, and the harpe bears
a single, central, slender process.
Holotype .
BRUNEI: 300m, Ulu Temburong, rainforest, 29.4.81 (Lt. Col. M.G. Allen) BM
noctuid slide 14282.
1618m, Bukit Retak, montane forest, (Allen, Harman) BM noctuid slide
14281; 1 SARAWAK: Gunung
Mulu Nat. Park, R.G.S. Exped. 1977-8 (J.D. Holloway et al.), Site
16, March, Long Pala (Base) 70m 24450, Alluv. secondary for MV-on Batu, BM
noctuid slide 10357.
range. Borneo.
preference. The
limited material is from both lowland and montane forest localities.
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