Genusa dohertyi sp. n.

Genusa dohertyi
(paratype) |

18-19mm. This species has the wings only faintly marked with a clouding
of grey, the pattern being similar to that of simplex. It is somewhat
smaller than simplex. In some specimens veins R4 and R5 form the terminal
bifurcation of the radial system (R3 and R4 consistently in other species), and
there may also be a cross vein between R2 and R5. The diagnostic feature is in
the furca of the male genitalia where the apex of each arm is distinctly hooked.
As in simplex, the spinning is restricted more or less to the apex of
each arm.
BORNEO, June 1891 (Doherty), BM geometrid slide 13398.
Paratypes:  as holotype (slide 13402); 1 S.E. BORNEO, (Doherty) May 1891, BM
geometrid slide 13403.
Geographical range. Borneo.
Habitat preference. The type series is from a low-lying area of south
eastern Borneo.
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