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Abaciscus Butler

Type species: tristis Butler.

Synonyms: Enantiodes Warren (type species stellifera Warren, N.E. Himalaya) syn. n.; Prionostrenia Wehrli (type species costimacula Wileman) syn. n.

This genus was excluded by Sato (1984a) from his Hypomecis complex.

The male antennae are strongly ciliate, with the ciliae on serrations in some species. A fovea is present. The wings are mainly a dark, dull, greyish brown, obscuring a ground colour of white (tristis) or fawn-yellow (most other species). The ground colour tends to be more evident on the basal half of the hindwing or in a narrow to broad costal band on the forewing. The type species is exceptional in having a central marginal patch of white on the forewing rather than a costal zone.

Definitive features are found in the male genitalia. The valve has the apex finely cleft so the cucullus is separated from the ventral part of the valve. At the base of the cleft a digitate spur arises from the ventral margin of the costa and is directed ventrally. At the apex of the spur there is usually a single robust seta. In the type species, intractabilis Walker, and a few others there is a prominent setose furca.

The female genitalia have the bursa relatively long, the basal third sclerotised and fluted, and the signum is absent. The sterigma is pad-like, ringed by a setose fold.

The type species of Enantiodes Warren (see also Sato, 1980) and Prionostrenia Wehrli share the diagnostic features just discussed and are therefore brought into synonymy. A. kathmandensis Sato (1993) has facies very similar to that of the type species of Enantiodes.

The genus is exclusively Oriental. Species transferred from a variety of other genera in the section following bring the Bornean total to seven, the highest recorded. Most taxa are montane, with some concentration in the lower montane zone.

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