curvistriga Warren comb. n.
Phthonoloba curvistriga Warren,
1894, Novit. zool., 1: 397.
Hypocometa curvistriga Warren;
Holloway, 1976: 71.


Diagnosis. The distal border of the forewing postmedial is evenly curved rather
than angled, otherwise females might be confused with those of T. bostryx and
T. bathylima Prout. Males have the distal part of the hindwing invested
with slightly greyer, raised scales. On the underside of both sexes the forewing
antemedial fasciae are represented broadly but rather diffusely, but those of
the rather dark hindwing are obscure compared with the other species.
Taxonomic notes. Male material is needed to verify the occurrence of this species in
Borneo, though the female specimen noted below matches well with one from Java.
Geographical range. Peninsular Malaysia, Java, ?Borneo.
Habitat preference. There is a single Bornean female from G. Penrisen,
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