Since going to press a further consignment of Limacodidae material from the Heterocera Sumatrana Society, collected by Dr Edi Diehl, has revealed that a number of Bornean species not recorded from Sumatra in the main text do in fact occur there: Altha adala Moore; Althonarosa cretacea sp. n.; Narosa velutina Walker; Saccurosa calcicola sp. n. (probably a distinct subspecies); Cania minuta sp. n.; Thosea vetusinua sp. n.; Nirmides flavissima sp. n. An account of the Sumatran Limacodidae, especially the species (almost 20) not shared with Borneo, is in preparation.

A single worn male specimen of a Darna (Ploneta) species not discussed in the main text has also been located. It is similar to D. bradleyi in appearance but larger (14mm) with acute forewing apices. The genitalia indicate a relationship with the Indian subgroup of the subgenus, rather than the Sundanian one (Fig. 41). The specimen was taken on G. Mulu by Hose. The species will be described in Cock, Godfray & Holloway (in press).

Cai (1984; Entomotaxonomia, 6: 171-174) has described three new species of Oxyplax from western China (Yunnan): yunnanensis Cai, weixienszs Cai and furva Cai. These must be transferred to Darna under the broader concept of that genus presented here, combs. n. This places furva Cai as a junior secondary homonym of furva Wileman. Therefore the former should become Darna (Oxyplax) caii nom. n.

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