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Dudusa Walker

Dudusa vethi Snellen stat. rev.  
    Dudusa vethi
Snellen, 1892, Midd. Sumatra Lep. 4: 40.
    Dudusa borneensis
Roepke, 1943, Tijdschr. ent. 36: 79.
    Dudusa nobilis vethi Snellen; Roepke, 1953, Ent. Berichten 14: 364; Kiriakoff 1968: 22.
    Dudusa nobilis Walker; sensu Barlow 1982: 63.

Dudusa vethi

The species can be distinguished from its congener, synopla Swinhoe, by the pale bars dorsally at the distal margin of each abdominal segment, as distinct from a complete dorsal line longitudinally. D. vethi has a pale fawn ground colour to the forewing whereas D. synopla has this golden yellow. The line of the postmedial, where it is pale in the two spaces immediately posterior to the prominent transverse dark bar, is roughly at right angles to the dorsum in vethi but significantly oblique in synopla. Differences in the male genitalia are described in the taxonomic notes.

Taxonomic notes. Dudusa specimens throughout the Oriental Region attributed to nobilis Walker (e.g. by Kiriakoff 1968) fall into two distinct categories, separable on the characters of ground colour and orientation of the forewing postmedial, as mentioned in the diagnosis above, and also on characters of the male genitalia.

The first group, for which the oldest available name is synopla Swinhoe, includes javana Roepke in Java, celebensis Roepke in Sulawesi, an undescribed taxon from Buru, and synopla itself which extends from N.E. Himalaya and India through Burma to Borneo and Sumatra; Taiwanese specimens in the BMNH, probably attributable to fumosa Matsumura (? =horishana Matsumura; Sugi 1979), have male genitalia identical to those of synopla. The male genitalia of members of the group have the dorsal process to the aedeagus at one third from the base, and the valve sacculus is unornamented or with a distally directed spine centrally.

The second group, for which the oldest name available is nobilis Walker (China), has male genitalia with the dorsal process to the aedeagus central and the valve sacculus with a prominent ampulla well distal to the centre of the ventral margin. Only the female holotype of nobilis is available for study at the BMNH, though a single Taiwanese male referable to ssp. baibarana Matsumura could be taken as representative of the species. The only other member of the group is vethi Snellen. It is distinguished from nobilis by the male genitalia where the valve is elongate, triangular, without apical ornamentation rather than deep, rounded, with a longitudinal fold apically. In nobilis the crests to the uncal processes are much more prominent.

Geographical range. Sundaland (Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Java, Borneo).

Habitat preference. The species is frequent in lowland dipterocarp forest but has not been recorded above 300 m.

Biology. Kalshoven (1981) described the large larva as having long, hornlike spines on the body; the back is yellow but the flanks are marked with longitudinal dark striae. It feeds on rambutan (Nephelium, Sapindaceae).

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