View Image Gallery of Subfamily Herminiinae

Ochrotrigona Hampson

Type species: triangulifera Hampson, Himalaya, Thailand, Vietnam, Peninsular Malaysia.

This genus was associated with the Herminiinae by Owada (1998), who also concluded that it contained two allopatric species as discussed below. The facies is distinctive as illustrated, blackish grey with, on the forewing, a pale discal spot basal to a large pale yellowish, irregular triangle based on the costa and extending out to the zigzag submarginal. A series of three oblique blackish fasciae occurs basal to the discal spot. The hindwings are also blackish grey, grading paler (the scaling reduced in the male) along the costa and marginally, with an angled postmedial and zigzag submarginal evident.

The genus was originally placed in the Ophiderinae (e.g. as in Poole (1989)), as it had a weak but postspiracular counter-tympanal hood and dorsal crests on the abdomen. However, Owada (1998) concluded that, on the basis of genital and male sexual characters, the genus was herminiine, having short cells on both wings as in Bocana Walker and a costal flap folded under the male forewing, extending to a knot-like feature on CuA in the type species. Such a folded flap is seen also in Edessena Walker but is much smaller, and several other genera (p. 18) have a more elongate, narrow one. The prominent labial palps have crests of scales but are directed forwards rather than recurved over the head. The male antennae are ciliate, tending to fasciculate. The male foreleg does not have a sheath.

In the male abdomen there is a prominent hair-pencil on a slight central corema in the eighth sternite. There is a strong scaphium in the genitalia. The valves are rather ovate, with a short projection of the sacculus at the ventral margin. The saccus is moderate, broad. The juxta is an inverted ‘Y’. The aedeagus vesica is globular, scobinate throughout.

In the female genitalia of the type species (Fig 140), the ostium is at the posterior of the eighth segment. The ductus is moderate, sclerotised, narrow, tapering to the junction with the corpus bursae, which is an irregular pyriform, scobinate, but also with a narrow longitudinal ribbon that is more sclerotised. The ductus seminalis arises subbasally from the corpus bursae on a small, curved appendix.

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