The Serrodes Guenée group
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Serrodescaesia Warren
Serrodes caesia Warren, 1915, Novit. zool., 22: 150.
Serrodes curvilinea Prout, 1921, Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (9), 8: 30, syn. n.
Serrodes curvilinea euryplima Prout, 1926, Entomologist, 59: 76, syn. n.
Serrodes curvilinea javana Roepke, 1941, Zool. Meded. Leiden, 23: 27, syn. n.


The forewings are a distinctive, slightly variegated indigo-grey with black markings: two irregular subbasal blocks; a fine but somewhat obscure postmedial that is obtusely angled centrally.

Taxonomic note. The male genitalia indicate that the species is misplaced in Serrodes. The uncus is short with a rectangular scaphial structure. The tegumen has a pair of horn-like processes just ventral to the junction with the uncus. The valves have a massive saccular process and lack the oblique ridge of typical Serrodes. The juxta is of the inverted ‘V’ type. The aedeagus vesica is elongate, with longitudinal, rasp-like bands of short, robust spines. The taxa caesia and curvilinea have similar facies and male genitalia, the latter differing slightly in the robustness of the processes on the valve and in the shape of the thorn-like structures arising subdorsally on each side of the tegumen. In New Guinea there is one band of spines to the long diverticulum of the aedeagus vesica, whereas in Borneo and Thailand there are two. It has not been possible to examine males of the other subspecies. Avatha bipartita Wileman (Taiwan) may also be related as it has very similar facies.

Geographical range. New Guinea; Buru (ssp. euryplima); Java (ssp. javana); Borneo, Thailand (ssp. curvilinea). The species is also present in Sumatra (HS / ZSM) and Sulawesi. 

Habitat preference. The species was only recorded during the Mulu survey in the vicinity of the western end of the Melinau Gorge: one specimen in wet heath forest (150m); one specimen from alluvial forest (100m); three specimens from dipterocarp forest at 250m on the lower slopes of the limestone G. Api. One was taken in primary forest at 170m near the Danum Valley Field Centre in Sabah. The two syntypes of curvilinea are from Bidi, also in the lowlands of Sarawak.

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