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Lophoptera ferrinalis Walker
Evia ferrinalis
Walker, 1863, List Specimens lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 27: 89.
Lophoptera ferrinalis Walker; Holloway, 1976:19.

Lophoptera ferrinalis

Lophoptera ferrinalis

The forewings are deep, purplish brown, traversed by fine, darker, crenulate fasciae and suffused with mauve, especially along the border of the lenticular tornal zone; this lenticular zone, shallower and more elongate than in leucostriga or illucida, is usually suffused rufous orange, more rarely merely the ground colour without mauve suffusion. In rufous marked specimens there are also marginal patches of this colour at the tornus. The species lacks the apical pale marks (belli) or the central submarginal white lens of species with which it might be confused. In the male genitalia the tegumen is relatively very large.

Geographical range. Borneo, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Siberut I.

Habitat preference. The species has been taken infrequently in a range of lowland forest types and at altitudes up to 1800m. It appears to be slightly more frequent around 1000-1200m in the lower montane forest zone.

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