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Godonela nora Walker comb. n.
Macaria nora Walker, 1861, List Specimens lepid Insects Colln Br. Mus., 23: 934.
Semiothisa nora Walker; Holloway, 1976: 78.

Godonela nora

Both this and the next species are variegated black and dark grey with broad white bands medially on each wing, and tinges of yellow on the hindwing abdomen and basal zone of the undersurface of both wings. In fluidata the wing margins are more rounded, there is grey just interior to the hindwing postmedial next to the white band in a wedge that expands towards the costa, and the more anterior black patch in the submarginal zone of the hindwing is significantly larger than the more posterior one rather than vice versa. The forewing postmedial in fluidata is less acutely angled.

Taxonomic notes. The complex to which nora and fluidata belong was reviewed by Holloway (1982).

Geographical range. N. India, S.E. Asia and probably throughout Sundaland.

Habitat preference. The species has been recorded from the lowlands to 1930m. During the Mulu survey it was only taken in the lowlands around the W. Melinau Gorge in alluvial and kerangas forests, and also dipterocarp forest on limestone. The montane records were from G. Kinabalu and Bukit Retak in Brunei.

Biology. Bell (MS) reared nora and two other species (eleonora Stoll and honoria Hampson) of the group in S. India. The larva of nora is the same green on the underside of the leaves of its host-plant, banded longitudinally with a suffusion of light, dull yellow. The spiracle of T1 is conspicuously jet black. The larva of eleonora has purplish lines, and that of honoria generally greyer with a lavender tinge.

All were recorded from a large, thorny, climbing Acacia (Leguminosae).

Male adults in this species group have been recorded feeding from mammalian body fluids (Bänziger, 1988).

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