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Perixera Meyrick Gen. rev.

Type species: prionodes Meyrick, Fiji.

Synonyms: Brachycola Warren (type species absconditaria Walker) praeocc; Conchocometa Warren (type species sabulosa Warren); Crypsiplocia Warren (type species pulvinaris Warren, Solomons); Emmesura Warren (type species semicompleta Walker = illepidaria Guenée); Eremocentra Warren (type species flavareata Warren = flavirubra Warren) Phrissosceles Warren (type species argyromma Warren); Platisodes Warren (type species jocosa Warren); Plocucha Warren (type species irregularis Warren, New Guinea); Stibarostoma Warren (type species griseata Warren, Queensland); Trirachopoda Hampson (type species subroseata Walker, Sri Lanka); Xenoprora Warren (type species parallela Warren = samoana Warren, S.W. Pacific archipelagos). These are probably all new synonyms, though some may have been subordinated to Perixera prior to their subordination to Anisodes.

The genus-group names above have all been subordinated to Anisodes in publications (e.g. Nielsen, Edwards & Rangsi, 1996) in the latter two-thirds of this century, following Prout's (1938, Gross-Schmett, Erde 12: 165-182) treatment. They encompass the bulk of the Indo-Australian taxa and show great diversity of morphology. But they possess some or all of the following features in the male that suggest they may form a natural grouping: a pair of coremata, single or double, on the fourth sternite; coremata between the eighth segment and the genitalia, often more closely associated with the latter; a convolute aedeagus apex, the convolution sometimes (e.g. Phrissosceles) involving the insertion of the ductus ejaculatorius, which tends to be central on the aedeagus shaft; broadening of the uncus (or the dorsal part of the tegumen) such that it is shallow, sometimes bifid, or even serrate; a broad and well developed costal process to the valve, often bilaterally asymmetric, with the saccular process weak or vestigial; shortening, often with associated scale tufts, of the hind-tibia.

The wing pattern is variable, some taxa being a fairly uniform dull red, others having more variegated wings, the fasciation usually much more delicate than in Mesotrophe.

The female genitalia have the bursa large, rather pyriform, uniformly rugose, without any strong scobination or signum. The bursa tapers gently into the ductus.

The order in which the species are treated reflects the extent to which they possess the diagnostic features listed above. Commentary on this will be included in the taxonomic notes for the first species in each of what appear to be natural subgroupings. A few species at the end have few or none of the Perixera features, nor do they show affinity with any of the other genera segregated here from the old concept of Anisodes. A more comprehensive study of the whole complex will be necessary to ensure them a stable placement.

The pupae are typically cosymbiine, square-shouldered with an abdominal girdle.

Host-plant records are not numerous, but involve several plant families: Anacardiaceae, Dipterocarpaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Lauraceae, Leguminosae, Moraceae, Rubiaceae (Bell, MS; Yunus & Ho, 1980; Common, 1986, 1990; unpublished IIE records and references in the species accounts following).

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